A generic drug is a copy of the original product that aims at recreating the same influence on health issues of the man’s body. The effect of generic Viagra is achieved by using another type of chemicals for reaching the same purpose such as improving the erectile functions of men. Depending on the dosage of the major components of the drug, the effect can be reached within a short period of time and last for a different period of time.
Taking a generic Viagra should be controlled according to the recommendations from the doctor. If a man decides to use and take this drug by himself without any prior consultation, reading the instruction is required for defining the right amount of the drug to be taken at the right time before the planned sex. If the excitation is canceled or postponed for a few hours, there will be some unpleasant symptoms that shouldn’t lead to one more intake of the drug.
The effect of the generic Viagra can be strong only if the right dosage is taken in. If a man reads the instruction and takes the drug in accordance with it, the peak excitement will happen at the very right time. There’s no need to drink alcohol to relax as the brain will provide all the functions to be performed at the highest level. The blood will stream to the right place of the male’s body and the erection will come out.
There’s no need to double the dosage to prolong the erection as the side effects will probably come out. It’s good to carefully read the instruction and learn what the minimum period for taking the drug is. Overdosing can cause problems with blood pressure and terrible headaches. One dosage is completely enough to increase the bloodstream that will fill in the body of the penis and provoke a strong erection that will last for a long time.
The prolongation of sex is achieved by the stimulation of the penis after taking the drug. Taking another dosage will not save the situation if there are no extra exciters. Manual malaxation will also increase the influence of the generic Viagra and will lead to a fantastic orgasm that will relieve all the tension that was hidden inside for a long time. This drug lets men recover quite quickly and repeat the same steps for more than one time.
If taken properly, the effect of generic Viagra is achieved in a few minutes after taking it thanks to some manual excitement or watching some scenes. The durability of the erection depends on the state of health of the man and the environment around him. There are no side effects if alcohol and other drugs are excluded on this day. Taking the generic Viagra will help achieve great results and increase self-confidence for a moderate price.